Are Dental Bridges the Right Solution for Your Oral Health Needs?

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dental bridges the right solution for your oral health

When people lose a tooth or several teeth, it can affect their smile, how they eat, and even how they speak. For missing teeth, one option that a dentist offers is a dental bridge. It is therefore important to understand what a dental bridge is and whether or not it is the solution for your dental problems.

What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge can be described as a method of replacing lost teeth using adjacent teeth to support the false tooth. It “bridges” the gap where the tooth or teeth are missing. To replace one or more teeth, a dentist uses crowns (caps) on the adjoining or neighboring teeth, and a replacement tooth is inserted in the form of a bridge to fill the gap.

There are different types of dental bridges, and your dentist will decide which one is best based on your needs.

Types of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges come in different types depending on how they’re made and attached to your teeth.

  • Traditional dental bridge: This is the most common type. It involves the use of a crown on the teeth on either side of the gap and fixing the fake tooth or pontic in the middle of it.
  • Cantilever bridge: This is used when there’s only one natural tooth next to the gap. The bridge is attached to this one tooth instead of two.
  • Maryland bonded bridge: In this type, the pontic is held in place by a metal or porcelain framework. The framework is bonded to the back of the teeth next to the gap.
  • Implant-supported bridge: Crowns used on the natural teeth are replaced by dental implants, which are metal posts inserted into the jaw.

Who Might Need a Dental Bridge?

One may require dental bridges near you if they have a missing tooth or several teeth in their mouth. Losing teeth can happen for many reasons, including:

  • Tooth decay: If the cavity is not treated on time, it results in loss of the tooth.
  • Gum disease: Periodontal disease or gum disease can lead to the loss of teeth if the condition is advanced.
  • Injury: Accidents or injuries can knock out teeth.
  • Genetics: Sometimes some people are born without some teeth on the arch, and getting a bridge is a way of filling that gap.

The Benefits of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges have several benefits that can improve mouth functions and the appearance of your smile.

  • Restores your smile: A dental bridge helps to fill in the gaps where there are no teeth, thus giving an individual a proper set of teeth. The dental bridge abutment dental structure ensures the bridge is firmly connected to the nearby teeth.
  • Helps you chew and speak: Missing teeth can make it hard to chew properly and can even affect how you speak. A bridge can help with both.
  • Maintains the shape of your face: Teeth help support the shape of your face, and losing teeth can cause your face to look flat. A bridge can help keep your face looking normal.
  • Prevents teeth from shifting: If you fail to replace a missing tooth in particular, the adjacent teeth can shift in the direction of the space. This can alter your bite, and as a result, it leads to other dental-related issues. A dental bridge maintains your teeth in their most favorable position.

How to Care for a Dental Bridge?

Taking care of your dental bridge is essential to ensuring it lasts a long time. Here are some tips to keep your bridge in good shape:

  • Brush at least twice daily: To maintain the cleanliness of the teeth and the bridge, the professional recommends the use of a soft brush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • Floss daily: Flossing is crucial, especially around the spaces below the bridge. Your Okotoks dentist will explain the type of floss that should be used or the best floss threader to use while cleaning under the pontic.
  • Visit your dentist regularly: Regular dental checkups are important to ensure your bridge is working well and your surrounding teeth are healthy.

Is a Dental Bridge Right for You?

Dental bridges are a great option for many people, but they aren’t the only solution for missing teeth. Whether a bridge is right for you depends on your dental health the number of missing teeth, and your personal preferences. This quick checklist will assist you in making a decision:

  • Do you have one or more missing teeth?
  • Are the teeth next to the gap healthy?
  • Are you able to keep up with good oral hygiene practices?
  • Would you prefer a non-surgical solution?

If your answer to these questions has been “yes” for the most part, then a dental bridge will be ideal for you. However, it’s important to consult with your dentist to determine the optimal option based on your unique needs.

Restore Your Smile With A Dental Bridge Today!

At Cimarron Dental Wellness, we understand how important a complete smile is for your confidence and oral health. A dental bridge can fill the gap left by missing teeth, helping you chew and speak properly. Our experienced team of dentist in Okotoks offers personalized care to ensure your bridge fits comfortably and blends seamlessly with your natural teeth. We employ cutting-edge technology to provide results that last. Schedule your consultation at Cimarron Dental Wellness today!
infographic of dental bridges the right solution for your oral health needs